Calendar Updated: August 9, 2016
MDTF Activities > Analysis on Serbia’s alignment with the EU Directive 2012/29 - Final Report

Analysis on Serbia’s alignment with the EU Directive 2012/29 - Final Report

The MDTF JSS worked together with the Victim Support Europe and Serbian stakeholders to develop Analysis on Serbia’s alignment with the EU Directive 2012/29 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. Work started in February 2016 and was finalized by the end of July 2016.  The team had interviews, a workshop with stakeholders, and a survey on current legal provisions and realities to support victims of crime in Serbia. Research into victims’ rights and services in Serbia was done through a triangulation of methods. These included desk research, exploratory in-depth interviews, an online survey for victim support organizations (VSOs) and international agencies, as well as semi-structured interviews with different stakeholders namely police, prosecutors, judges and victim support practitioners. Draft Analysis was presented at the workshop and received feedback is incorporated in the final document. 

The Analysis aims to identify problems and drivers of problems experienced by victims and VSO when seeking or providing assistance to victims of crime in Serbia. It also assesses compliance with the EU Directive. The Analysis includes recommendations based on existing best practice and analysis of five Member States’ systems (Croatia, England, Finland, France, and The Netherlands).

Final Analysis can be accessed on the links below: