The Paris Declaration and later the Accra Agenda sought to improve the effectiveness of aid by improving coordination among donors while giving ownership of the development process over to the country receiving aid and increasing accountability for development results. Both agreements sought to reduce the burden on Governments in developing countries that were heavily burdened with laborious requests for monitoring aid from donor countries. In Serbia, the World Bank is teaming up with other donors to make these agreements come to life.
"In late 2007, the Bank began a journey to craft an instrument to pool donor funds to support Serbia’s justice sector priorities as it moves towards European integration,” said Simon Gray, the World Bank Country Manager for Serbia. “The Bank also sought to create a consultative process to strengthen the Ministry of Justice by facilitating discussions on important issues between them and other key actors.”
Michel Mordasini, the Executive Director representing Serbia, added that “The coordinated and collaborative approach that the Bank and other development partners have adopted for Serbia’s justice sector reflects the Bank’s commitment to make the Paris and Accra agendas a reality. We must work with other donors more effectively to build country capacity and address the fragmentation of aid.”
In the Western Balkans, this initiative represents the first effort in justice sector context to mainstream both the 2005 Paris Declaration principles of country ownership, harmonization, managing for results and mutual accountability, and the guidance for donors that was provided through and the Accra Agenda for Action in 2008.
“With the MDTF-JSS, Serbia has taken a great step forward, and we look forward to putting the Accra Agenda through the real test – helping Serbia increase the credibility of courts, eliminate backlogs, improve transparency, and provide better access to justice for the poor,” added Amit Mukherjee, World Bank Task Team Leader.
“The Partners’ Forum goal is to help the Ministry of Justice create “four ones” – one strategy, one operational plan, one budget, and one performance framework,” said Mr. Paul Wafer, Head of DFID, Serbia.
For more information please contact Amit Mukherjee, Lead Public Sector Specialist, ECSPE or Mikko Vayrynen, Consultant, ECSPE.