- Court performance should be measured in light of the demand for court services including the quantity and nature of cases, workloads, and changes in those factors over time.
Incoming caseloads per judge in Serbia are approximately half the EU average and are lower than most EU11 Member States and regional neighbors.
Demand for court services in Serbia is weaker than EU averages. When measured relative to population, Serbian courts receive around 13.8 incoming cases per 100 inhabitants, which is slightly lower
than the EU average. Meanwhile, Serbia has nearly double the ratio
of judges-to-population than the EU average, with over 39 judges
per 100,000 inhabitants. As a result, the incoming caseloads per
judge in Serbia are approximately half the EU average15 and are also
lower than most EU11 Member States and regional neighbors.
- Caseload figures in Serbia are also highly inflated. Many matters are counted as a ‘case’ that would not be considered as such in other systems.16 Much of the caseload is composed of cases requiring little judicial work, such as enforcement cases, with a number twice as high as the EU average, and a large number of old inactive cases. Caseload inflation can result in misleading statements about the real demand pressures facing the judiciary. Once case numbers are sifted and further analyzed, judicial workloads appear to be modest.
Some small courts in Serbia are extremely busy, whilst larger ones are less so.
Caseloads are distributed unevenly among courts and
without any clear pattern. Some small courts are extremely busy,
whilst larger ones are less so. Higher Courts and Appeals Courts
receive a comparatively small caseload on average. A series of
painful reforms and court re-organizations have done little to
address the uneven caseload distribution.
- Demand for court services is also falling significantly. Declines are most apparent in Basic and Commercial Courts where the number of incoming cases fell by over one-third and one-half respectively from 2010 to 2013. The decline is likely attributable to the transfer of judicial functions to other private or public actors and the decrease in affordability of court services. As a result, workloads are falling and the average incoming caseloads of judges across the system declined by one-third from 2010 to 2013.
Average caseloads declined by one-third from 2010 to 2013.
Even so, judges, prosecutors and staff throughout the system report feeling busy and
overburdened with work. The reasons lie in the systemic problems
in the way the system operates that undermine external and
internal performance, and not in the numbers of judges, staff, or
cases. Therefore it is the systemic problems, and their possible solutions, which are the focus of this Review.