Calendar Updated: October 26, 2022
MDTF Activities > Serbia Judicial Functional Review – Infographic

Serbia Judicial Functional Review – Infographic

Serbia intends to further accelerate its justice sector reform process based on comprehensive amendments of the constitutional and legislative framework.  This process aims at strengthening the rule of law and improving the capacity, performance, efficiency, integrity, accountability and professionalism of its justice sector and justice sector officials.  The Judicial Development Strategy adopted in 2022 and accompanying Action plan for 2022-2025 have provided a basis for moving forward on issues critical for EU integration.  The development and recent adoption of Human Resource Strategy in the Judiciary and the Strategy ICT Development in Judiciary have further strengthened the basis for reform.

To provide input to the design of the next phase of justice sector reform in Serbia and to inform the accession negotiations between Serbia and the European Union, the World Bank was requested by both sides to carry out a 2021 Judicial Functional Review to measure progress in the justice sector since 2014. Key findings are presented below in the visual format.